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Other Sites

Listed below are links to other sites that contain information relevant to films and film societies.




Rotten Tomatoes  -

An online aggregator of movie and TV show reviews from critics, providing a comprehensive guide to releases in theatres and at home. And the Tomatometer!


International Movie Data Base  -

IMDb is the world's largest source for movie and TV with a bit of celebrity gossip.


Wikipedia   -

A single comprehensive page on almost all movies including many foreign films not covered in the larger more US focussed sites.


The Guardian -

Provides a large and critical look at both film and TV with reviews of current and up-coming films, items you may have missed and lists of most viewed material in the Guardian review.


Flicks -

Australian & NZ film guide with nationwide movie and cinema times, cinemas, ticket booking, reviews and trailers. It provides reviews of streaming services like Netflicks, Stan and SBS 0n Demand.


Highlights  -

SBS TV, radio and movie guide which features the SBS TV program schedule as well as wider TV news and opinion, including columns, recaps and rants.


Screenhub -

Essentially an industry-run site, it provides the daily news, jobs and reviews for film and television with critical discussions and analysis in the Australian screen industry


The Daily Review  -

Provides screen and stage review of a current nature, including TV and video games




The Screen Show, ABC Radio National  -

Hosted by Jason Di Rosso — An informed look at screen culture featuring interviews with actors, producers and directors plus reviews with special guests discussing upcoming films as well as the small screen


Screen Queen, Triple J, ABC -

Provides sound grabs about current films.


Marc Fennell  -

Movie reviews and interviews with the biggest names in film, music, comedy and technology. That Movie Guy from Triple J, Host of The Feed on SBS Viceland ...


Cultural Institutions with a film focus


Australia's only national museum of film, videogames, digital culture and art — Melbourne film, TV, video games, digital culture and art.


National Film & Sound Archive of Australia -

A combination of a huge multi-million collection of film and sound articles with updated large cinema showing weekly films often themed with talks and displays — Canberra




NSW Federation of Film Societies

Australian Council of Film Societies



Other Sites: About
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